IELTS Speaking Part 3
Practice Questions and Answers
IELTS Speaking Part 3 Practice Questions and Answers
Coming Soon
- Skills and abilities
- Salaries for skilled people
- Local business
- People and business
- Relationships between parents and children
- Children’s free-time activities
- Owning things
- Salaries for skilled people
- Different types of home
- Finding a place to live
- Reading and children
- Reading for different purposes
- Types of weather
- Weather forecasts
- Different types of TV programs
- TV advertising
- Arriving early
- Being patient
- Watching films/movies
- Theatre
- Money and young people
- Money and society
- Different kinds of workplaces
- The importance of work
- Choosing work
- Work-Life balance
- Technology and education
- Technology and society
- Discussing problems with others
- Communication skills at work
- The Internet
- Social media websites
- Children and reading
- Electronic books
- Creating a nice home
- Different types of home
- Difficult jobs
- Personal and career success
- Shopping online
- Online retail businesses

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